Saturday, November 13, 2010
No Trotting Turkeys in Longmont
Today's version saw Outback Steakhouse grilling hamburgers and chicken for the post-race feed and trophy filled boxes stacked on the stage ready to be awarded to the fastest age groupers. Who needs plastic trophies and hamburgers at a Turkey Trot!?
I would like to blame the stimulus package, Obama's G20 speech in South Korea, Wall Street excess, or insufficient funding for education since they are all such easy marks these days, but good grief America there were no trotting turkeys in Longmont today!
"Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?" Will Major League Baseball switch to aluminum bats? Will Apple Strudel replace Apple Pie?
The burgers looked and smelled great. People seemed to have a genuinely good time. But this could have been any race on any day. "I Want My MTV" to play music videos again (but on my mobile phone) and I want my Turkey Trot to have something remotely to do with a Turkey and the Season. Maybe Dire Straits will record a song for me.
Maybe I should try the "Panicking Poultry Run" in Boulder tomorrow. At least a piece of Chicken on the grill might qualify as panicking.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Epilogue Hood-to-Coast 2010
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Saturday, August 28, 2010
#hoodtocoast finish in Seaside, OR
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@Running_Yogini Done with #hoodtocoast
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Last Man Standing #hoodtocoast
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Kris is done and done with #hoodtocoast
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Wha? Leg 34 uphill and end to the wind both ways #hoodtocoast
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The scene at #hoodtocoast exch 24
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Birkenfeld Country Store saves us at #hoodtocoast
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"Truth" Team 223 is 30 mins ahead at #hoodtocoast but for how long?
Steve felt frisky and ran a good 20 seconds / mile faster. Ang smoked her leg. Mike and Kris ran the dirt roads of leg 20 and 21 that lined their lungs with dirt.
My leg second leg (22) was a quad burner. About 1.6 miles to gain close to a thousand feet followed by 5.1 miles of steep down hill. Average pace uphill around 7:40/m. Average pace downhill about 6:03/m. Net result, quads feel like hamburger.
Only Flash came through unscathed so we'll see what happens. It won't be long as Van 1 is almost half way done. We just passed Jullian on the road. Kris yelled for him to "slow down!"
I think we're betting the meltdown play.
Pic is from the Van of runners on the road for leg 26. We're blasting by hundreds of such runners as we make our way up the road to the leg 30 exchange where we take over for the last time.
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"223! 223! Where's 223? at #hoodtocoast
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Don't Turn into Exch 21 #hoodtocoast
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3am on Hwy 30 #hoodtocoast runners are everywhere, part 11
Paul is geared up in his Flash t-shirt (I hope he has two...), reflective vest, head lamp, and ready to flash front and rear. In 15 minutes he'll disappear into the long line of bouncing red lights and we'll race him to the next exchange.
There's the exchange and it's packed - double the vans as every Van 2 takes the baton again. Uh oh, we're late! Karen is waiting on us. Like I said, logistics is half the battle!
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Friday, August 27, 2010
Van 2 headed for dinner at #hoodtocoast
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@running_Yogini smoked #hoodtocoast leg 11
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Just Finished Leg 10 #hoodtocoast
It's 10pm (PT) and Angela, the only other team member from Colorado on the team is on the course. She ran the Pikes Peak Ascent last weekend. A half-marathon with nearly 8,000 feet of climbing to finish at 14,200(ish) feet above sea-level. She is truly amazing - a sprinter turned marathoner and endurance coach and writer. Check her out @running_yogini
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Sunset on the Hood #hoodtocoast pt 7
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Leg 8 "Kills" #hoodtocoast , part 6
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You Can't Handle The Truth #hoodtocoast part 5
1. Alice (leg 1) and Eric (5)
2. Paul (7) leading off Van 2
3. Kristin (9), Chris (that's me and leg 10), Angela (11)
4. Steve (12), Kristin (9), Chris 10) the holdovers from our Van last year.
We just passed Paul on our way to exchange 8. Looking fast in The Flash shirt.
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The Maniac Moms #hoodtocoast, 4
1. Must live around Boulder, Colorado
2. Be a Master's athlete
3. Have Kids
4. Be fast as h3ll
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Fred Meyer #hoodtocoast part 3
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Van 2, #hoodtocoast Part 2
Meet Stephen (best team captain ever and leg 10). He's a little hungry. Likely from the meticulous planning that goes into a successful event. His family hosted us for dinner last night near Forest Grove. His detailed review of the safety instructions was rivaled only by his ability to explain the race requires we have front and rear flashers on the course without once cracking a smile.
Fred Meyer here we come.
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